Tuesday, 4 February 2014

August by Louis MacNeice


 The shutter of time darkening ceaselessly
 Has whisked away the foam of may and elder
And I realise how now, as every year before,
Once again  the gay months have eluded me.

 For the mind, by nature stagey, welds its frame
 Tomb-like around each little world of a day;
 We jump from picture to picture and cannot follow
The living curve that is breathlessly the same.

While the lawn-mower sings moving up and down
Spirting its little fountain of vivid green,
 I, like Poussin*, make a still-bound fête of us
Suspending every noise, of insect or machine.

 Garlands at a set angle that do not slip,
Theatrically (and as if for ever) grace
 You and me and the stone god in the garden
 And Time who also is shown with a stone face.

 But all this is a dilettante’s** lie,
 Time’s face is not stone nor still his wings;
Our mind, being dead, wishes to have time die,
 For we, being ghosts, cannot catch hold of things.

 Louis MacNeice

*a landscape painter
** somebody with a pretentious and superficial appreciation of art


  1. Great poem but of course time's face is stone according to the theory of relativity. Time does not pass but is fixed. The passing of time is a mere illusion.
