- Two note Helena theme
- Throughout to create suspense and constant tension
- Rising to crescendo when face of Kira's kidnapper is revealed - electronic note getting higher
- Theme Tune Music - slow pace with kaleidoscope, humming emphasizes human aspect,
- Diagetic organ music overlapping with non diagetic urgent music
- organ immediately establishes church setting and helps with funeral
- Gentle spiritual singing with piano
- Tense music building to peak as CU of Alison's face - feel as though something will happen
- Fast paced music shows the action but not danger
- strange banjo music
- high pitched note - about to make a discovery
- ddep dangerous music
- higher pitched metallic sound when Sarah fights backs
- piano music - emotional touch to Mrs S saying that she's on Sarah's side - more legitimate?
- Piano gone back to techno when back in Dyad institute
- Piano show tunes
- Fast paced music as Helena is escaping
- Guitsr strumming with undercurrent of throbbing techno
- No music at the start of dinner
- Warbling electronic piano - strange, unknown, uncertainty
- piano as Kazzima and delphine kiss
- darker sounds when Rachel enters
- piano when Kira and Sarah hugs - purity of their bond, child and relationship to mother
- disjangled music when Mrs S starts talking
- Tense music and footsteps sounds as Kira and Sarah try to sneak away
- Piano as Srah leaves Mrs S
- Sad music as Alison is left alone
- Southern music after Tomas is killed
Sound FX
- Helena - metallic hissing,
- Beeps - heart monitor, awake but not well
- Felix's ring tone - clubbing sound
- Tone after phone call is terminated and decisisve sound of it being placed down
- Computer beeping highlighting use of technology to search for Kira vs older telephone of the 'religious freaks'
- High heels - women, appearance
- Track sounds of wheels
- Birds, cows - nature - what the proletheans advocate, secluded, hard to find, honest work, past values
- Plastic gloves - for pregnancy, they benefit in some ways
- Washing machine - deep churning threatening sound
- Click of knife puts Sarah in danger shows what he thinks the power relation is
- broom sound - domestic amateur theatre, the closeness to the actual death that has taken place, everything revolving around the home and secrecy in surburbia
- Beeping of her illness
- Beating back
- Wine sounds
- Ringing telephones
- Attempt to rev the car
- thud of Srah hitting him on the head
- Birds as Felix waits outside
- truck driving up
- Kira's name is short and easily shoutable
- Different accents clearly denoting different characters
- Echoing effect on people's voices to emphasize her state of conciousness and unhingedness from reality
- Whispering - gossip and back stabbing of small close community like that of Alison's surburban environment
- Children laughing - inappropriate, the importance in that environment of appearance and conforming
- Grunt - Sarah strength and unexpectedness,
- British accents - all linked
- woman whimpering
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